I think it's a fun turn since historically Zarda never really looked like a Wonder Woman homage and even the closest one (the original I think) only got as close as vague Themysciran clothing/hair

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Mulher Maravilha: Linhagem de Sangue (2019)

Mulher Maravilha assume a missão de ajudar uma jovem garota problemática, recrutada por uma organização conhecida como Corporação Vilania. Seus membros almejam invadir Themyscira, o lar paradisíaco da heroína.

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In the post-Crisis continuity of (#WonderWoman) was so impressed with personality she had dreams about him. She saw him as a godlike figure and eventually end up with a encounter with rendition of both is breathtaking!

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FUTURE STATE: IMMORTAL WONDER WOMAN of themyscira wonder woman woman state spoilers

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La plus grandes des amazones, la princesse de Themyscira...

41 59

1269). Apr1996.
The first X-feature Amalgam title is a doozy: AMAZON, featuring Princess Ororo of Themyscira! It’s all Byrne for this one! Wonder what kind of long term stories you could come up with if this title actually existed...

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Adjusted her lasso&exported image. Grateful being able to see playing as the beautiful, powerful, so gentle and faithful Diana of Themyscira in-theatre on the release date. Thank you so much for bringing us such wonderful performance

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As I mentioned in a thread tangent, my Jimenez period reading is spotty. I have "Paradise Lost" in floppy & trade, but only ever skimmed it. I'm prejudiced against Amazon-on-Amazon violence, and like Rob Kelly with Atlantis, I always dread Themysciracentric stories.

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