Loki is a Thorki shipper 😁 my favourite problematic king

10 48

Summer ‘22 pt.5 - The night before

30 232

never getting over thorki divorce😞 loki just left like that 😒

4 62

perché mi voglio male e mi serviva un wallpaper
E Loki non è il re del drappo questa volta 👀

57 285

Summer ‘22 pt.4 - Hair styling ✨

31 160

3am thorki sketch bc I've lost control of my life.

11 61

Thor:Want my love?❤️
Loki:What?No,I don't need that……fine,I'll take it.😌

14 94

[and yet, your love for him runs deep...
etched forever, giving you strength
to face the promised sun that shines...]

49 222

Preview for my freshly finished fem!thorki ⚡🐍

link to full piece below;

4 73