Picking Five Favourite Books Is Like Picking The Five Body Parts You'd Most Like Not To Lose

56 76

Not writing is not good but trying to write when you can’t is worse.


40 41

Love what you do and...Don’t listen to anyone else who tells you not to do it.
Ray Bradbury

81 80

Start writing right now.
Now is a good time to write.

35 11

A is like a bow, and the violin that produces the sound is the reader's soul

104 111

I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic.

0 2

�To Live A Life, We Must Lose Our Fear Of Being Wrong.�

12 23

If you really want to be a nobody can stop you.
Alma Alexander

21 52

I did it! 1300 wds on my novel and 1 full spread for my dummy!

0 4

When I'm I'm doing the thing I was meant to do.

15 15

Writers get some of the best ideas at night... Maybe that's when the caffeine kicks in?

41 35

Picking Five Favourite Books Is Like Picking The Five Body Parts You'd Most Like Not To Lose

48 55

This is how my writing is going today. Not so good.

3 12

Picking Five Favourite Books Is Like Picking The Five Body Parts You'd Most Like Not To Lose

49 49

Picking Five Favourite Books Is Like Picking The Five Body Parts You'd Most Like Not To Lose

27 37