-I don’t need a silver pen to write.
-Don’t need a computer or typewriter.
-I don’t even need my crayon.

-I just need to listen.
-Then it writes itself.” ©️Aspen

➡️BB Daily in July


Run to you https://t.co/lodklVwaEu

27 129

She trembles
with a silver sheen
and swirling hips of grace
She grabs attention
from every man
that walks
into her space
and forbidden
Her heart's
a tricky maze
If you want
to capture her
You'd better
watch your ways.

17 64

Their arms swing loose
Their Tongues engage
Their hands have held the spade

But what of Ruthy
In yonder grave,
If soil comes loose
From all the rain?

When a woman appears
Who looks the same
Their arms swing loose
Their tongues engage


2 9

It was a cosmic pull of sorts, the gravitational force of the Universe just seemed to spin the vortex faster & faster, dragging the memories in, unable to stop the momentum. The sensations were so overwhelming to the point of being excruciating, leaving a celestial scar

1 4

The mood was grim, you could feel the agony of the crowd and cut it with a knife, the air was thick with sorrow. just stood there, the lil boy saluted as his mothers white memorial pod floated by him & then jettisoned towards the sun

1 3

Holding you all night
As we process this stuff
Love will only grow
When things get tough

Never have you cried
Thusly after a call
You came willingly
Let your sorrow fall

The news is the worst
Troubling—yet I’m sure
We will rebuild a world
Where you feel secure

29 46

Sentience in his soulful eyes
Belied the evil in his soul
Seeking to find my Élan vital
To change my nature was his goal

I was too pure for his demonic world
A woman who wished to run free
How fruitless was his kiss of damnation
Yet he still watches me

4 22

👽Hailing from planet Sharp&Pointy Things,Sporky braves a treacherous journey to Earth in search of his father who is being held captive by the infamous villain RedStick
*All new Stickers!

2 2

Hovering above the choppy seas Sporky stares longingly at the spot where his mother was last seen, a single tear glistens by their two suns as he flys by the holographic totem in memoriam of his beloved mother.

0 1

Within nebulas and broken stars, in the vast empty icy darkness...

Somewhere, there you are.

1 6

Don’t waste your time with prompt words
They’ll spoil your randomness, now
Bolt over here and kiss me

4 24

"Jenna, it's , what are you doing?"

"Huh, is it?" Jenna eyes lazily went across the holo-screen shkwing the prosthstic arm she was perfecting for her friend, and down to the clock she was fiddling "Opps. Sorry, mom."

1 7

I was surrounded by people whose favourite habit was Eau de Ashtray. You needn't strain to see the smoke fumes dancing from their fingers. How could I entrust them with these dying tresses when even their coffee tastes secondhand?

6 47

People become historical through those who love them. Though in a century, perhaps only the trees will see us in every rainbow; & the wind will remember what incompetent liars we were—but for now, I'm here. I'll still breathe you in.

12 77

It was the year I grew muscle
We’d eaten more Lasagne than any other year, and fish was added in August. What she could do with Blue Grenadier brought tears to my eyes. I secretly hoped it would continue. The hungry years had left me ailing. by me.

1 12

no death
only metamorphoses
you didn't leave us
but went to the land of life
where the flower
never fade
where time doesn't know
anything about
our scars
our wrinkles
where it's always morning
I will flourish my heart
where I live for you
and will live twice

31 93

Digging deep isn't necessarily

All my feelings are close to surface
Love can never be to me

Every cell in my body is made from love...

15 39

From your ancient lair
You call to me
Invade my dreams
Your vision I see
My body aches
My mind possessed
My innocence lost
I am cursed not blessed
I embrace the dark
I hold no fear
I drink from the Bloodstone
I am the monster here

🎞️Radu from Subspecies

6 12

Hours fly above the ruins of
walls of inhibition. Unspoken chemistry burns shadows with volcanic heat. A love ode seats in throats thirsty for more. of If become passionnists of Now. Caught in carousel of desire,we inhale air of High Sea. No regrets. No denial

12 40