More great stuff! These just keep getting better and better. So much conversion potential.

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Oh my days. These could be my fall into chaos.... Utterly superb.

1 11

Finished my Kurnoth Hunters 😊 I decided against green swords as it felt a bit random, I think the bark and bases still tie them in enough to the Spites and the blue swords feel like they fit better. Really enjoying painting the Sylvaneth 😊

24 182

After the success of yesterday's post, there are a lot of new people interacting with each other which is ace!🤩

I think more work should be shared and would love if those who don't normally post their work on here, give it a go, even just for today.

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3D Printable Town Watch Building now available as stand alone product. 40% off for next six days.

2 7

Well, I'm a huge fan of and a huge fan of Skyrim. So this has excited me immensely.

I mean, check out that first model!!!

2 13

The Fane is ready for offerings to our Dark Prince(ss). I wasn't happy with the face in the portal so I cut it and replaced it with plasticard and the swirly effect. My followers see their god, but aren't sure where the portal shows in the realms.

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Had some more fun building tonight. Loonboss for the manglersquigs and the final 3 troggs. Still alot of cleaning up to do but pleased with how it's all shaping up.

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Doing some of my own hobby today, it’s good to paint some Sigmar again!I’ve got the drybrushes out and trying to do a super quick scheme with the aim of building an army. Idea is a dark, creepy winter theme with snow bases. What do you think? 😊

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Sister of battle. Illustration by Karl Kopinski, sculpt by me and paint job by Martin Peterson.

101 741

"The trees are reclaiming their territory from the ancient warmongering peoples, transforming the weapons of devastation into guardians of renewal." People really seem to like these guys, so I hope you all enjoy them too! :)

37 124

Now that the dust has settled from Warhammer Fest I'd like to say I had a blast being part of the Golden Demon judging team!
It was definitely the biggest competition to date! Congrats to all the winners especially Maxime who won the slayer sword! 🙂

12 134

I'm running Fast and Furious at Club night at the end of the month. 3 Games at 750pts in one night! Already 20 Signed Up and space for anyone else who wants to come and attend.

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Found the pictures of the first miniature I've ever painted, just about a year ago. Painted her armour with nmm silver to make her looks more like Jona of Arc in Fate/Grand Order😂

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goblin Marauder 2 handed alternative pose for the patreon

Its launched but won't have anything on it till 1st of June 2019!

Hope you like this guy, more poses to come!

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