This is Frederic Shields' amazing 1875 painting, Factory Girls at the Old Clothes Fair, Knott Mill!!!!

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"Instantly the spirit of hell awoke in me and raged. With a transport of glee, I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow..." Dr JEKYLL & MR HYDE published 5 Jan 1886

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This is Thomas Edward Roberts' amazing 1851 painting, The Discvoery!!

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Blood Brothers and Rival Camps 'His parents, on the whole, were glad rather than sorry about his coming, his father observing that at least here was a little mendicant who could be offset against tax...' <

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Body Snatching Tales of the Early 1800s - Body snatchers were larger than life, and tales were taller than the tallest tales and likely more scary than a visit to Madame Tussaud‘s ...

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Margaret Agnes Bunn, actress, was 'ushered into life' on October 26th, 1799 and was to launch early into an eventful career. and
Byron, Berkeley and Mrs Bunn

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Three Nineteenth Century Royal Beauties and Their Beauty Secrets - Three nineteenth century royal beauties served as the glamorous ideal for women in the These three beauties were ...

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Loki, Norse God, 19th century illustration of the mythological Scandinavian God in chains, 1882

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