Principal neural pathways that are involved in feedback and feedforward interactions during music performance and perception.


120 377

Circadian rhythm controlled by the brain due to the exposure of the sunlight and other factors.

400 1435

ever change the printed error you wrote in your script so you get a new error?

4 29

This MRI tractography technique shows the connectome which is a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain - the internal wiring of the brain.

By Patric Hagmann, CHUV-UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland

69 213

A knowledge graph to interpret clinical proteomics data | Nature Biotechnology

51 150

"Ancient forms of life with modern bioinformatics mimicry".2019.

Sometimes hiding is the best strategy.

5.000 X 5.000 pixel.

7 31

📣 New tool developed by researchers, PathoFact, to provide a 120-year leap in the methodology of diagnosing


10 17

I'm a completely sane (pinkie promise) with a degree in bioinformatics and a fascination with giving 'life' to my imagination by finding interesting patterns in abstract/AI drawings and refining them so others can enjoy my visions too ! 😋

0 1

I'm thrilled to be attending my 2nd The National Diversity in STEM Conference this week! Find me at the booth; I can also tell you all about our great Bioinformatics & Genomics, , and Ecology grad programs, depending on your interests!

7 36

hello I'm Kyl, I've finished my bachelor's in Biochemistry and have just started my masters in Bioinformatics! I'm working on trying to identify genetic markers for neurological disorders.
I like drawing ocs and I'm determined to keep doing art! (':

2 10

The lab of Stefania Nicoli ( is looking for a bioinformatics/computational biology postdoc to study the biology of the cardiovascular system

0 1

Launching the new online Introduction to course for scientists at today, with an Advanced course coming at the end of the month.

6 8

"Ancient forms of life with modern bioinformatics mimicry".2019., a rare digital artwork by francescomai. via

2 19

From | Ten quick tips for homology modeling of high-resolution protein 3D structures | |

5 4

. and I have just launched the Micro Binfie podcast on microbial bioinformatics. Please check it out at or through your favourite podcasting app

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