How do you make 7 even?
You take away the S.

🎨 by Prince_G07

3 18

I've always wanted to get into full metal alchemist.
But the full boxset costs an arm and a leg!

🎨 by Master_Vegas_91

1 11

I was watching an anime about dentists but it was really boring.
It had too many filler episodes.

🎨 by master_vegas_91

1 10

What's Hawkeye's shield made of?

🎨 by Nash77712893

0 22

Why are dragons hunted by dwarves in the morning?

The early beard gets the wyrm....

0 15

I lost my mood ring.
Not sure how to feel about it.

2 17

Why don't pirates take a bath before they walk the plank?
They just wash up on shore.

3 19

Where do boats go when they're sick?
To the dock!

1 14

I only know 25 letters of the alphabet.
I don't know Y.

0 25

What are Silver Surfer and Iron Man when they team up?

1 14

Hoppy Holidays! This little guy sleighs me 🤣

3 8

Too tired to think of a pun for today.
So I’m just gonna sleep on it.

0 15

How do you call a magician who’s incredibly good with cooking?
A sauceror.

0 9

Shout out to my buddy for today's

I got the words "Jacuzzi" and "Yakuza" confused.
Now I'm in hot water with the Japanese Mafia.

1 9

Why did Freya leave Odin?
Because she ain't no Valhalla-back gurrl!

3 22

This one is for Kai.

How does a non-binary samurai kill their enemies.

0 11

I wrote a song about a tortilla,
But it was more of a wrap.

5 21

Did you hear about the Viking who was reincarnated?
He was Bjorn again!

4 18