lothiriel di dol amroth cugina di faramir e boromir prima principessa del mare poi regina di rohan e moglie di eomer semplicemente donna che venero

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A collaboration: I colorised some of ’s palaeomerycid lineart. This was a highly successful group of ruminants, living on several continents and surviving tens of millions of years - not just evolutionary oddballs, despite the funny headgear.

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birth month 1/3: - Travelling Companions
Jan: Frodo, Sam and Gollum
Feb: Galadriel and Gandalf
Mar: Thoden, Eomer and Eowyn
Apr: Merry, Pippin and Treebeard

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Tonight begins Day 46 of the Omer.

This is the oldest living being in my city and is truly awe-some to see and touch. The most awe-some things are not always large and not always tangible - the touch of a loved one, the garden hummingbird, the smell of a baby.

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Tonight begins Day 41 of the Omer.

Area farmers and artisans come together weekly to the with the first fruits of their labors - their gifts from God. My tribute to them and their first fruits is this drawing. Shabbat shalom.

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So small and so strong lady-knight

Here's the moment when she was hurt and Eomer couldn't help her. But Aragorn knew how to fix it. How to fix her mind from black illness.

Oh I love that moment and happy that I created illustration that imagine it how I want .)

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Tonight begins the 10th day of the

Each time you do anything - fold laundry, read a section of the Torah, circle the sun - you are not the same person as you were the last time. Experience everything with a beginner’s mindset.

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oh, dear, just missed it! I was supposed to post this on march 25th. Happy An old one from 2017 from my chibi Karls series. 10 of my favorite characters played by 💕 love this dude too much! |

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Esta mañana, en los ha tenido lugar la presentación de la nueva adquisición del museo.
obra del pintor manierista (1529-1592), desaparecida desde el 1700.

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Charge at the Pelennor Fields by Mischieviouslittleelf - I can not wait to watch the new 4K movie version of this! ⁣

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There once existed a Palaeomerycid (extinct family of ruminants closely related to Giraffids) named after one of the most iconic Star Wars characters, Padme Amidala. Meet Xenokeryx amidalae, known from the Mid-Miocene of Spain.

Art credit (Nix illustrations)

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Tolkientober Day 14 - illustrate a headcanon

I’ve always imagined that Éomer & Éowyn would braid each other’s hair as kids. When Éomer becomes a rider he’s often found with braids in his hair, a sort of good luck charm to carry with him.

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Boromir is like everyone's favorite xD and Faramir is a good one too... and Eomer... fuck uncle Tolkien how in love I can be with the mens of the west?? I my love scale Eomer is first... but as a character and all Boromir is at the top 💙💙

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I give you my first D&D character Leomere

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Sheer complexity infinity pattern art print.
Welcome to Art Geometrix!
We specialise in geomeric art prints and light show videos based on Youtube.
check us out at http:https://t.co/Po1nngsIM7

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