Hej, moi polscy przyjaciele w USA! Interesuje Was opieka medyczna dla wszystkich, lepsza ochrona praw pracy, 'Green New Deal', oraz więcej? Tak? To GŁOSUJ NA BERNIE-GO w wtorek, 3-go MARCA! [2/2]

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Hey friends! Interested in Medicare for All, greater labor protections, Green New Deal, and more? Yes, please! VOTE FOR THIS TUES., MARCH 3RD! [1/2]

21 78

San Diego based artist Mia Page (est) is with her animation.
Join the movement by tagging your posts to be featured.

39 129

Bernie's got "2020" vision for America! Feel the Bern El Paso🤞😁🔥🔥 Cya Saturday!


0 1

Um...can we stop with the choosey-choosey and start fighting the Trumputz? Pleeeze??? In today’s

4 15

‘Word!” by and me. The progressives didn’t mince words about who should being paying into the system.

3 5

Vote seto kaiba 2020.
(My friends and I had a debate if he would run for office, if he was real. BIG IF. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

1 1

I just heard is running for president! 🙌🔥

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