has been amazing! I've painted 1000 pts of Gloomspite Gitz, a few hundred pts of Epic 40k, 3mm French and started Custodes

0 2

Back to the humble grots! Something refreshing about painting these nice, simple models after working on the troggs 😁 Once these are done, I'll only have 40 more to do 😆

5 53

Getting there! Most of the remaining details base coated and washed (other than the black) so should come together nice and quickly now!

18 119

Bit more troggress tonight for had a go at painting this lady's lovely crystal. Pretty pleased with it but will re-examine in the morning to see if it needs sharpening up.

6 50

getting back in to my to take a break from bouncing orange gitz! 😁 Hopefully I'll have the 2 side guys up to the same stage as the middle guy soon and then do all the gubbins together.

5 44

Bit more done on this lad for hoping to get him near enough finished tonight 😁

3 43

happy to call the squigs done. Moving on to the riders. These have taken an age to paint! Hoping the next 5 speed up 😁

10 87

Had some more fun building tonight. Loonboss for the manglersquigs and the final 3 troggs. Still alot of cleaning up to do but pleased with how it's all shaping up.

0 40

Happy Loonmas! Been having fun tweaking with da boss! Really dynamic kit 😀

2 30

Goblin Slayer vs Gloomspite Gitz....

0 0

R5 of against running Trees. Game comes down to priority roll for a minor win (due to time running out), I roll a 5 and Hayden gets a 6. End on 2 major wins, 1 minor win, 1 minor loss, and 1 major loss with 4 secondaries. are good yo.

0 10

Fellwater Troggoths finished for next week's Just the Troggboss to finish but he's been almost done for a while.

12 83

In all this hustle and bustle you can easily lose the overview (or a 👺
To prevent this from happening to your army, here are some foam and transport solutions for you and your 🌛 👉 https://t.co/zCL5EKuYsU

0 1

More on my for After watching a lot of I've started drybrushing the squigs -much easier!

12 69

Nearly finished the 1st batch of squig hoppers! Really happy with them. Bases left to do

5 31

My review of the new Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz is up today! Venture into the clammy dank of the lurklair away from the harsh light of Glareface Frazzlegit and see what shiny whatsitz await! https://t.co/WVVNZGw54S

13 50