Nous sommes le 20 septembre, et la série Persona fête ses 26 ans !

L'aventure débuta en effet le 20/09/1996, date de sortie de Megami Ibunroku Persona, le premier épisode, sur PSone.

Une journée importante donc, bien que le 25e anniversaire ne soit pas encore terminé !

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He just straight-up Graggle Simpsoned Manjome.

Which is good! We all know Graggle SImpson was vital to that show!

You can't forget him! Just like Fujiwara!

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Me acabo de ver este anime, y la verdad me recordó completamente a este juego de la psone llamado Bloody roar.
y ahora me pregunto ¿por qué no tiene anime bloody?

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🔴LIVE! Threads of Fate / Dewprism: Mint's Story!🍓

Hey, beebs! Just a last minute smöl stream tonight, playing & voicing over one of my FAVORITE classic PSone games!


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For I work hard to extract the art at the best quality from old manuals and more.

This month we’ve got:

Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
Elfaria (SNES)
To The Earth (NES)
Jinx (PSOne)
Star Fox Zero (Wii U)
Nekketsu Tairiku Burning Heroes (SNES)
PD Ultraman 64 (N64)

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Classic Lara Sketch. I hope could give us a remaster of all the classic PSOne of era titles on modern platform, but who knows? Maybe i'm asking to much.

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Like : Video games,Movie,anime,posters,Celebirty,Government.


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Drakoanthektiko simpsonensis

It’s an speculative animal I created, a descendant of Varanus priscus that lives in modern Australia

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