deep to dark blue wild
bobbing and singing loud

waves splash and laugh
why red upon the sea?

you give the sea the finger
scolding her giggles loud

to the shore

4/2 😀😀

1 3

Daily Prompt 4/2

Riding the ocean
On an inflatable
Resilient and
Lip :) 😀

"unsinkable, resilient, buoyant"
Art by Darla Vaughan

1 2

Daily Prompt 4/2

"unsinkable, resilient, buoyant"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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15 21

Eyes cut into mine,
swallowed 'em whole,
empty pockets of
abandoned armour
fighting to be
unbroken windows,
& now you're torn,
left alone to stitch
your own wounds,
& I became the legend
of a girl you knew.

10 46

you took the pin
out of grenade
magic pivot
the reason for happiness
healing whispers
was wishful dream
in the corner of mind
I knew it was inevitable

11 39

souls rising
no hidden corners
today is the day of truth
clawing in hard
stained hands will talk
crying won't help
too late to repent

pic S Idrassi

8 26

No air to tell of love and loss, alone within your space.

Bathypelagic Sand Dollar of the stars, you seem so diffident.

Calm and round,
you turn tides on or help a heart's loss.

Oceans look upward,
as your face so bright lights up the night.


1 3

All energy has power to pull

Its just truth, not a rule

Many forget about the bathypelagic kind from the wet, dark, cold but their gravitational attraction for the celestial is very old

Galactic events shall commence......

2 4

if the sun died
the moon 'd disappear
n all the dead and dying
to feed the remnant creatures of the deep
who neither know nor care
for such is darkness
leaving stars galactic grief

Darla Vaughan

9 22

Sometimes the gravitational attraction is too much to bear
like the moon on still waters
sliding with grace over our breaths

reflecting mutual wants
within and without

every ripple in this space between
- a poem written about the darkest shades of love.

6 13

art: D. Vaughan
galactic fallout,
gravitational attraction
from deep sky
reaching down
bathypelagic depth
moon-trip meeting
earth's hidden treasures

3 4

The gravitational attraction
Would always be
A bridge too far

Ph | Darla Vaughan

22 40

Daily Prompt 2/20

"bathypelagic, galactic, gravitational attraction"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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12 22

Thorns, screaming at roses,
the prickly beauty slowly
shedding guarded stems.
Echos of Summer in
the ripple of a kiss,
my lips releasing the long Winter
in Your heart, thawing
passions always just beyond
Your grasp, my touch
unlocking desire within.

🎨 Darla Vaughan

3 10

When the wind outside is screaming at roses, I fold into a quiet world
where thorns break away

I think of you against my skin
& a calmness settles
like mist on silk petals

a delicate reminder that
the most beautiful flowers
that span the earth
flourish from within.

6 10

art: Darla Vaughan
thorns screaming,
prickly beauty,
roses shocked and awed,
bouquets bunched,
hiding cupid's culprits,
arrows, danger, beware

1 2

What's the point of a thorny rose
Just pricks the heart
Red screams for blood
Spattered by the flattering
of flowers
Nothing beats the pink lipped love

Darla Vaughan

2 8

Listen for drips
at the edge
of my sanity
as roses
bloody thorns
bearing down,
for my end
to approach.
yet pained,
I draw ink
from what
I cannot
in loving
21 1&14

5 21

Daily Prompt 2/14

"thorns, screaming at roses, prickly beauty"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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I painted an abstract as thorny-petaled roses.
Later, I saw screaming faces, thus "Screaming at Roses".

10 14