
into bitter
serendipity, was
ever a need to possibly
flee immediate
or was a life-raft left afloat,
designated for flashes of epiphany?

5 16


When elements vivacity
inward, onward, forward
eyebores to slightest nudge
sensual feelings
aura urgent
to you I trudge
remembered, conquered, torrid
for your breathe dynasty.

65 178

A lover of the incendiary one,
the one who burns her shell and clears away
the old to make way for the new.

Rain doused the fire;
now green buds shoot up new life from
beneath the darkness.

1 3

Frost-worn longings echo
the trauma that manifested
within to take over my being.
A renaissance within for words
bled colours, for I am a tree
at the point of rebirth.
Awake & anew, the colours
appear sharper, & the moon tells a story;
I have not heard one for so long

1 4

we are smiles' patrons,
sifting froth
from turbulent horizons
for flowers winsome.

7 33

My companion;
We have walked together for so long.

My confidante;
We know all of those secrets hidden.

My consort;
We agreed to walk this path together.

My love;
You are The Wolf and I The Blood Fire.

My heart;
The raging fire tamed by the kind one.

2 7

Dining pleasures, a cycle of...companion poems
experience the song
"as it were"..
layered aspects pouring me a glass...of love
imbibed integration and with
..suspicion aroused
you become my confidante of words
the souls consort
the ink in...waiting of paused

4 8

Visualising a different person with a different life, while girls on the other side of the world are visualising eating food tomorrow.
Her identity is so wrapped up in fantasy that her psyche is distorted.
A hike in the mountains calms her soul.

1 4

Daily Prompt 5/16

"identity, self, psyche"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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11 17

art: Darla Vaughan
placid, this pond, our lake of peace,
tranquil trips few and far between,
gliding along, fresh air, so perfectly serene.

1 3

lapping water at the edge under a green swept tree
little boat comes to the shore to rest and just to be

placid spot to sit and watch the world go by us today
a peaceful day with ghosts to play in nature's serene bay


4 11

Daily Prompt 5/5

"placid, serene, tranquil"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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11 19

You extravasated the dark
pooling in my being,
waves of ink twisting
away into spring air,
speckling the atmosphere
in all its sadness until
infusing the clouds
to mark nature
w/ delightful kisses
in verity's clarity.

11 33

His ill-fated affections
savoured prurience,
forever reaching a
forbidden love I
swore to forfend.
The inscrutable &
fervent ambuscades
left me to peregrinate,
aiming for sweeter truths,
lest my ashes be
in a pouncet box
hereupon an
unbidden death.

4 23

You're all
I want

my matriarch

by Leslie Ann O'Dell

7 11