
Take a moment to close your eyes and push distractions out your mind

You got this

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Sending you all lots of 💚 on
🥰😘 Remember, while feeling unwell mentally isn’t nice, it’s normal. It’s okay to have good days and bad, and what’s even more okay, is having the courage open up and talk about it to family, friends or a professional.

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“Mental health is not a destination but a process. It’s how we drive not where we are going”

We are proud to support

Healing takes time… it’s ok, not to be ok

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Today and everyday we
We come together to celebrate a love of and a communal understanding that comes from our members' shared experiences of the
Help is available:

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"With a stunning blend of perfectly-chosen words and dreamlike illustrations, this story will thrill and delight any reader who believes in magic, friendship, and making wishes" - Author Chris White 😊🌎

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On here is a blog post I wrote a while back on how to help someone close to you who's having a tough time🙏

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Today is World Mental Health Day, help raise awareness that there are people waiting to talk & offer help 24/7.
988 is now active across the United States along with 1-800-273-TALK.
These numbers are for anyone & any crisis. ❤️

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It's and I'm K+CO or Kiernan Sjursen-Lien, a very mentally healthed system of artists working for comics, animation, and more, who often like to explore mental illness, mental health, and more brain business through our comics and work.


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It's so a reminder that you can read Look Straight Ahead, my critically acclaimed graphic novel about psychosis, mania, & depression, FOR FREE online (l/i/nk in reply)

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It was great to be involved in illustrating and designing the toolkits for this project: AMPHORA Guidelines to support the participation of people with mental health challenges on therapeutic heritage-based projects.

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It's so do check out some amazing comics resources on mental health awareness here at Broken Frontier.

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Today is and we wanted to share some tips! Share some of yours below...😊

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It's World Mental Health Day.
No matter what you are going though, speak out and know that people care. I care.

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Gm 💖
Today is and I'm so grateful to still be here to celebrate this day every year.

Here's a reminder that if you ever need someone to lean on, we, at , are here to provide daily support and resources for people all around the Metaverse ✨

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Your mental health is a vital part of your life and it impacts your thoughts, behaviors and emotions.

As we celebrate World Mental Health Day, we want you to make your mental health and wellbeing a priority.

Yours Mindfully.

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