She succoured those unable to inherit the monarchy's good health, waiting for quiet nights that belied serenity as visitors demanded a donation. She of the fae, humming poems to the stars.

9 53

The forgotten nameless prince had ostracized himself from a seemingly futile fight, tying slings to his back as others' lips blued. "Prejudice is unwelcome," he thought, opening insurrection's smoke flare.

4 31

Deceit lays on desperate tongues, having manifested from seeded betrayal. When spoken, it waits for love to breathe it in, coats lungs holding clear aired philosophies with an awkward, sweltering strain.

11 53

Gremlins are petty creatures w/ a serial notion to blemish those who suffer others in their vortex. You might find your stolen peace embargoed by them from dawn to night if someone calls for aid. Guns won't save you.

4 30

Like any other demon, it is quasi-charismatic—advancing the gentlest of kind souls with grace's veil to make them commit the worst sins until their skulls turn grey from dust. Be a storm. Destroy its title. 355

6 44

Artificial ocean breeze singed our skin as the floor slid into a stairwell & ceiling crumbled. Paint flakes tickled my nose upon ascension, but Emilia... She fused w/ the devil in wax. Too late to reconsider candle choices.

6 41

We watched them march through midnight, uniforms with boundless blood edges. As told, everyone hid from view, since bilateral relationships don't exist with them. Only venal. Then we saw a little boy face down in mud.

4 30

Halfway under the jetty—accusatory eyes frozen toward a cloudless sky—was the casino CEO's daughter, fingers curled around a scull pendant. Legend says pieces of her broken heart were spent with cursed treasures.

4 42

We are responsible for how we react to a despot called pain and its coarsely spiked spindle. Some choose to ignore it until numbness sets with the sun. You chose to spin a rising lifelong light that reminds me to feel warmth.

14 57

If roses felt wanderlust amid what the rain & our jogging feet orchestrate, would they flee for submontane paths & their streams? Would they stick to hummingbirds who pollinate their gardens? A rose I could be.

9 43

Our ancestors envisioned this kind of world but they must've fought for something better than people suspending others as hook-pierced minnows over self-appointed thrones. We're merged in separation with vaulted futures.

8 48

The day he was taken, I searched the other side of the wall, eyes burning with sadness. There was no haven for AI, no blood, no presence—only endless ellipses spattering the ground where laughter once lived.

21 84

When it was time for capricious skies to welcome our constellations, we'd stand at the littoral to watch the sea become Sun's womb again, our eyes ready to be ensnared by the stars' content twinkling on small ripples. 1

9 64

"I had an insatiable appetite for rolling in mud when I was your age. Grandpop's farm had plenty of it," Mama said, her eyes lighting up the room. "The secret to happiness is being you—& avoiding man-made insects."

8 49

A boy's love became the precursor of her dying sun. He surmised that to win her favour, he must pluck the fire surrounding her shadows. In the end, she'd burst into a flurry of petals and took to the skies, existing as a dead wish.

12 61

"I eschewed doldrums by people watching. Many ignore their streetwise instincts and you can speak the same of their hygiene. I used to be delighted with never ending snacks but their flesh was dreadful," he grimaced.

6 47

Mise-en-scène. At the juncture of our knees where shifting welcomed whispering winds who betrayed our secrets by meeting each other's listening eyes. It's the last place I remember what untrapped feels like.

6 45

Roots were trodden into drying earth and birds forgot their song. We measured how far the deathbed went, speaking to ourselves beyond the vanished lines we'd adopted when the sun lost her bold fire. Then a guitar appeared.

14 85

Your love is abundant, subconsciously soft and willing yet outwardly bold at times. Thank you for accepting my smiles as adequate gratitude; and deepest sorries for being unable to paint more memories.

3 44