Immature skin w/ beastly eyes hold life's nectar in their hands, capturing devil's truth & angel's lie in small breaths that provide no escape. What sharp teeth when demanding you answer a toy phone. 359

14 73

Deceit lays on desperate tongues, having manifested from seeded betrayal. When spoken, it waits for love to breathe it in, coats lungs holding clear aired philosophies with an awkward, sweltering strain.

11 53

He came to her during the devil's' hour & granted her vainest wish, promising to never sever their connection so long as it pleased.
"Are you sure you want this?" he asked.
"Yes," she said, extending her new wings.

4 22

A boy's love became the precursor of her dying sun. He surmised that to win her favour, he must pluck the fire surrounding her shadows. In the end, she'd burst into a flurry of petals and took to the skies, existing as a dead wish.

12 61

Promise me
this brittle paper butterfly
won't be
into that sea
of sharp brooches
who provoke us
w/ their false
good deeds.
Promise me
I'll go away
where I can
sow precious seeds,
harvest them
roots free.

5 46

Maybe it was you in the sky, washing away my hidden blights with gentle rain after days of silent pleads to soothe them. Maybe it was you who asked Mother Nature to send earth the moonbow I saw from my bedroom window. You kept me warm.

9 70

Life could be wonderful with kindness in high prestige, how lush happiness would grow if we'd water its seeds. Such supple words twirl through my mind as stars dart the sky, flowers in their beds, our hairs amid their sighs.

7 46

The stories say if you close your eyes & stay still as a river stone, you will hear Nature speak in a language you've known since birth. One that isn't spoken but felt. Waters dancing to flora's orchestra while all sing w/ the 4 seasons' winds.

36 148