Thank you for coming to today's stream! I'm making assets and I need everyone's help!😭

How would Jakob Hallows wear a Santa hat?

Poll in replies!

I'll be making the assets free for everyone to use when I complete them 💕

5 12

Ajax spots Captain Bollocks while out for a stroll

24 268

And here's one more wonderful bit of bollocks for you!!!

How did The Jackal make Ben think he was a Clone? Memory implants!

Because you know, he knew exactly which body would 'survive' the explosion & go on to live Peter's life. Get fucked.

0 1

GM everyone ✨💙
Veo que ayer os gustó despertar con unos bollos en la cara así que... heh 💙

65 599

Buenas Eris te hice un fan-art por tu Tercer Aniversario, si recién ahora lo termine xd. Te hice junto a las que considero madres del movimiento V-Tuver💜.
P.D.: La torta es Argentina de dulce de leche y chocolate, no te va saber a bollo XD.

9 53

Merci Louis d'avoir eu le courage de parler du boss Bolloré financeur de la haine, du racisme et pilleur de l'Afrique au qui dans son s'est encore plus enfoncé

442 2197

The Dark of the Forest

It's woman versus monster in a bloody battle to the death!

A tribute to seventies monster movies, once more filled with gore, nudity and bad language.

I once took a copy into work and got a right bollocking.

1 2

A bollock dagger would be useful... In. Many. Ways.

541 4854

New project or continue on with these,.
Get close to 0 interaction on most post/art and can't sell even the cheap ones. Do all the liking and sharing "community" bollocks but still nothing.
Which popular project do I rip off to make some sales and rep.

0 1

alt shaya.., oh my bollocks i love her a little too much

24 101

パンク専門誌『Bollocks』が仕掛ける新レーベル"SNIFFIN' GLUE RECORDS"、リリース第2弾はパーティパンクバンド"PET"の18年振りのフルアルバム!- ニュース | Rooftop

1 1

The only fish known to spout toxic drivel - polluting politics since Dickensian times -
‘Victori-anus Carpio
(Uncommon Carp)’

1 2

Have you picked up our new comic Action Journalism yet?
Created by and me with amazing colors by
With backup story and a variant cover by and variant by Andrew Maclean.
Go get it!
/This message has been approved by the Trobolloid Empire./

3 4

Well they are a bunch of bollocks. You'll be alright

0 3

No creas que te olvidé mi querido Sr. Bollos

1 5