In -- Lost Years (in stores today for you'll meet Elite master of...#dadjokes!

Make sure to get yourself a copy & join in on the chuckling & the eye rolling.

5 44

Dad: I named you after my father.
After my father: I know

4 10

Trust me; necromancy is the last thing you'll need......

6 27

We made it to Thirsty Thursdays.
Let's get it 🐶

5 33

What’s Whitney Houston’s favourite type of coordination? “Hand eeeeeyeeeee……”

1 6

You want a dad joke from me on a FRIDAY tweet? OY! Come to stream at 9pm CST tonight and redeem your channel points for one! THIS IS THE WAY.

3 4

My wife told me to pick up 8 cans of soda on my way home from work…
She was pretty mad when I only picked seven up.

2 7

I was researching about Atheism. Turns out it’s a non-prophet organization.

1 5

Why did the leprechaun turn down a bowl of soup? He already had a pot of gold!

0 0

What type of bow cannot be tied? A rainbow!

0 0

My recliner and I are like dear old friends.

0 6

What would you get if you crossed a vegetable with our first president? George Squashington!

0 0

Where did George Washington buy his hatchet? At the chopping mall!

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