アートディレクターの石幡さんに、LEFT ALIVEの主役3人をデフォルメしたらどうなる?とお願いして描いてもらった(左から時計回りで)オリガ、レオニード、ミハイルです。それぞれの特徴がしっかり出ている贅沢イラストです。

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I was nearly sold with when I recognized Yoji Shinkawa's art style <3 I may get the game... but will I have time to PLAY?

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PS4/PC「LEFT ALIVE」2019年2月28日発売・告知トレーラー

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And here's a comparison with the original. Textures and UVs were ripped from the game with 3D Ripper DX and ePSXe 1.9.0. Geometry was initially "flat", so I needed to reshape it.

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In 2018, will release the survival shooter from a team of star devs. Intriguing.

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Square Enix confirma la llegada de Left Alive a Occidente, tanto para PS4 como para PC. Se trata de un shooter de supervivencia.

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