The weather is sultry as warm fudge on ice cream, the wind a messenger for baby birds crying in their nests, and my soul is ready to walk along these beautiful distractions w/ you. A w/ our world. 7

13 82

I'll sit patiently on the swing my Nana used to play on and find solace in the fact that our futures move way beyond barriers seen. I'll notice that hopeful shock of green amid browning leaves and bared branches. 4

10 86

Day's onuses don't always spill into nights. There are peaceful hours when we may fall asleep with kisses tucked in our sleeves, a dream of narwhals in the sky waiting. 1

5 54

My legs are tired from peddling down this river—a mix of tears & ink that saved me in earlier days. Their goal may be warm but inexperience misleads. Smiles are invigorating when they're not solely a choice.

7 48

As the sun set behind the cherry tree, it seemed to cast its blossoms into the sky where last night's ominous howls became a home for cotton candy w/ its pink-lined clouds. The provenance of hearts' light aura.

7 35

When yesterdays have exhausted & we've bankrupted worries from long nights, I hope the light outlining your silhouette stays clean if the sun abandons a day; & you still see doves & cats in every cloud.

15 70

Pretty boy with hollowed eyes and voice like dry ice to your soul. Pretty boy who debuted with unique tresses called through your mirror in a game from which he crawls.

3 39

Argan oil to keep my hair from blooming in the rain, mouthwash to keep apologies from wake-up's bane, malachite whispers on eyelids framing views of you, agelast in this revolution as today's youth.

10 54

cacophony of callous crows
calls me
to their cackle of darkness
pulling pieces of me apart
like plucking
each hair
I start
to feel good again
but they
squawking in unison
every caw
my cycle of


12 47

The sunset crowned our heads, bright watercolours blooming and warring w/ one another. We drew rhymes on our palms until night came, wishes materialized, and I realized we were more than friends.

15 76

Such glory in far fractals, making senses brittle when they twine w/ our sights. Like a picturesque vertigo from great heights from the adventurous torn love between clouds & falling snow.

13 62

Bouquets: often given as part of a celebration or forgiveness catalyst—but no matter how lovingly watered in pleasing vases, their flowers will wilt in immured gloom. I know such sad days away from the sun.

17 65

He sits somewhere between the lilac & navy of my heart, a crumbling treasure that led away firm monsters & bolstered my love for blueberries & their tendency to stain lips like kisses.

13 54

We laid our glass bones on a verdant yard as leaves shivered in breathtaking whispers. You called me beloved and asked why I couldn't stay forever. When I woke, aduantas holed the air where you were.

7 42