Crash Course ~恋の特別レッスン~
KOTOKO to 詩月カオリ (Panorama VA Compication CD Vol. 3)

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creo que es una de las autoras con obras más interesantes del panorama actual

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A couple of particularly impressive coastal panoaramas. I guess I could make half of a fantasy game as well just using AI.

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✏️: the pope as a top gun pilot, impossible , urban exploration , coniferous forest , panorama , colorized, 4k, ultrarealistic

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we fly back up, to the top of the rock

panoramic view of the New York City skyline [from the top of the rock] at dawn, with a blueish hue in the sky at eye level

💬 full prompt in ALT

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Quem ai também na febre do

✏️ Instrução/Prompt: playing beach tennis on an island, ultrarealistic, panorama, dreamy, sunny --q 2

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<<Angel Sanctuary>>. A mí no me engañais, tiene mucho m4ric0neo. Gender-blending, personajes queer y reencarnaciones en sexo opuesto. Y mucho drama y mucha trama política. Un panorama sobre sexualidad y género muy variopinto. Cuesta pillar de qué va pero engancha. Rosiel, ROSIEL.

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porta il pittore Paolo Anesi per “fotografare” un importante episodio di cronaca: la visita ad Anzio nel 1746 di papa Benedetto XIV. I due dipinti vanno letti come una grande foto panoramica in quanto uno è la continuazione dell'altro

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These are actually really cool. They look like incredible GAN images.

"A panoramic painting of a futuristic cityscape that seamlessly blends together elements of different cultures and time periods. The painting is incredibly detailed, with tiny…

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Oggi, 6 marzo, nasceva - nel 1475 - Michelangelo, un genio dell'arte figurativa.
Tra i suoi numnerosi capolavori una figura che prediligo per grazia e bellezza: la sibilla libica della Cappella Sistina
In omaggio un giro panoramico della Cappella Sistina

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The first panorama I ever shot. I chose this arctic nightscape as my scene because why on earth wouldn't I!?
The Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy, Venus, airglow, Pleiades, Zodiacal light (sunlight scattered by interplanetary dust), aurora and an iridium flare. :)

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One of the underground ISP cables was finally restored, so I'm back online. Hi , how do you make a "seamless 360° equirectangular panoramic picture"? This is my result (not seamless / bad result):

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A panoramic view of Seyðisfjörður in Iceland. I found this in the public domain and went to work on it. There's some pointillism in there for color depth/texture. Plus loads of brushwork. Original 13x50 @ 300dpi.

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Bon dia! Sovint, la refracció de la llum del Sol ☀ quan travessa els núvols provoca iridescències. Ja sigui quan passa per cristalls de gel de núvols alts o per gotetes d'aigua de núvols més baixos, la dispersió 🌈 de la llum poc crear bonics panorames (accelerats) com aquest.

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