Journey to the Western Seas:

Something different but still in the same vein as the previous post. Inspired by the voyages of Zheng He and China's maritime trade route at the time.

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Tonight the Perseid meteor shower (which is at it's peak) is visible over the UK.

2 18

Caucasian Imamate: Founded by muslim leaders in Chechnya to fight against the Russian Empire, they surrendered to the Russians in 1859 after a peace offer was made.

2 9

Kuban's People Republic, possibly one of the worst tricolor I ever seen, but I still wanted to draw it anyways. So I suppose it's a good thing they were crushed in 1919 by Soviet Forces

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Republic of the Philippines, I don't know, the flag just cracks me up every time I see it

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Lanfang Republic:

Founded in 1777 by Hakka Chinese miners in West Borneo, they are considered some of the earliest modern republics in the world, before being occupied by the Dutch in 1884.

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Too lazy to draw anything complex today, have a Jewish Autonomous Oblast (JAO) from Russia

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...Then the Winged Hussars Arrived! (A continuation of yesterday's post)

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When you hear horse noises coming from the mountainside.

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The 5 Hegemonies of the Chinese Spring and Autumn Period (From Left to Right): Qin, Chu, Jin, Song and Qi.

The partition of Jin ended this period and started the Warring States.

3 15

Kingdom of Two Sicilies, very easy to draw, I can assure you.

"Only" took me about 35 minutes to draw, and I cut a few corners as well

At least it's just a coat of arms on a white background.

2 17

Happy On this day 1963, was granted independence by the British, and will subsequently join the Federation of in 16th of September that year

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My Social credit score probably just tanked after posting this

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Emblem is back! Featuring 3rd Division, created ion 1942 and dissolved in 1944 to reinforce the 2nd NZ Division in Italy.

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