Some soft peaceful art, hope it will help smbd to distract themselves from war…

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E' grazie a loro se abbiamo informazioni sui conflitti, cercate di utilizzarle bene!

per Sputnink

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War is not a solution!
One of my artwork from last month.

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It's not hard to imagine
It's not hard to believe
The nations of this world
People past and present
We all share the same history
Right or wrong
Good or bad
Today's news from Ukraine
Hurt to watch
Tough to see

God save us all

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Welp that's the end of my artist saga for now.
I cant take any commissions, paypal suspended its work in Russia.
I guess I will be just hosting giveaways and kiribans, whilist posting some of my own stuff.
Too bad. Art was my job. Gonna starve now.

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Hey! Do you have no money? Then everyone knows. Why not rethink your current business without overdoing it?

Привет! У тебя нет денег? Тогда все знают. Почему бы не переосмыслить свой текущий бизнес, не переусердствуя?

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Am sure this is nothing to do with the governments reticence in dealing with the 🤔👇#RussianUkrainianWar

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Русский оккупант, ты сам выбираешь своё направление! 💙💛

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there's an old psychological trope that people often accuse other people of their own shortcomings and neuroses [Telegraph Friday 4/3/22]

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Il y a quelques jours, ce dessin. Aujourd'hui les russes bombardent une centrale nucléaire en Ukraine.

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Life or Death situation
Any War that kills and destroys lives & communities is criminal
The world is a complicated place
Better way to settle disputes than War & Death

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People around the world are realizing exactly what this invasion is
These are crimes against everyday people
Senior Citizens

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Женщины, престарелые, дети... Они тоже "УКРФАШИСТЫ" и "БАНДЕРОВЦЫ"?

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