When the first thought bubble states how someone will pay dearly if is harmed, you know it's going to be a good issue.

2 6

"Read good books and you will always be free to fly" ~ Gabry 💜💜📖#SeanPatrickFlanery

5 16

is supporting Myanmar junta terrorists obviously.

This shows how has become weak & they believe that Int'l Community won't do anything.

0 0

Regarding the aim,"To promote regional peace & stability through abiding respect for justice",ASEAN mustn't willingly participate in junta's atrocities that amounts to blatant abetment of impunity.

5 2

While death toll rate in Myanmar keep increasing&civilians keep suffering under Military Coup for more than 6 months, is still inviting SAC junta to attend parliament assembly instead of inviting to end this hell under Military Coup.

3 2

は、俳優兼監督 様の 61 回目の誕生日で、出演作品から『#ザ・ガンマン』をセレクト🆗

0 11

iren a mis wawas

se llaman Miguel y Malidette :D

8 24

Connor and Murphy Murphy McManus - The Boondock Saints
I love this movie!
I love the Irish!

1 4


4 13