Planting trees...ignore the tile errors that we have still yet to perfect, its okay we know how too..its just a challenge! FOCUS ON THE TREES AND SAPLINGS XD

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How did yall capture those 60fps long gif? I had to manually delete frames to keep it under 15mb, and they are usually less than 10 secs long..

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New enemy designs! We're planning a bathhouse themed level full of blood and scary women.

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Alright, I won't show more from that boss until the demo comes out. Gotta keep some things secret, right? Hype, all those type of things, you know...

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Another update of screenshots, sorry im more focused on getting things ready for a demo soon rather than posting here :/ Imma get better !

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A game controlled by a Sequence -- pauses at the right moment to allow player input, using "Broadcasts".

Made in (Beta)


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Hey there! We have some updates on , as we're working on the next demo! New stage, New enemy, and Menu revamps:

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I'm experimenting with some new looks for the map, heavily inspired by . Whatcha think?

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Working on a glow shader. Had to come up with a way to not have weird artifacts on the transparent areas of the sprite. Seems to work good.

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Hey, Name's MQ. but you can call me M.
Gamer, self taught artist
And developer of a side scroller, RPG, hack'n'slash game featuring my own Cognitive world.
(In works of gonna take years to finish tho...)

(more info down below \/)

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