NO! 😠



0 6

Nice to see I wasn't the only clown2make this mistake! Got me my 2nd bollocking from Gary Bracey at when I did the same thing 4 the music for Arkanoid for the in 1987. Nice to see it was probably only around £200. That was nothing to them!

1 26

Awww beautiful to see all them together like that, those are some of the earliest games I ever bought! 👍😊

Now time for my obligatory doodles!🖍️🎨

0 2

Looking forward to your blog updates as always Mr. Normski! 👍

Here's a doodle to hopefully return the smiles! 😊🖍️

0 4

Thursday's on the and another massive sprite game from Mike Westlake in 1988, nice game but worth tracking down just to marvel at the size of the characters . Great fun!

15 69

BMX Simulator was the first ever game I purchased, and I have been buying Codemasters games ever since, Codies games were priced amazingly at £1.99

4 22

A fantastic Read Steve, thanks so much for sharing your memories of those days with us! 👍🙏

Much like your games, memories are priceless! 😊

Time to get the crayons back out... 🖍️

0 2

Although I loved the version of this, it was the ZX I played first and enjoyed it, I think it captures the Cartoon very well

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