Hi, it's Kawaiikochans. We'll repost "Puroresu Comics" from the Shin-Nihon days, due to our pride in reliable Sega gamesofter . (1/2) https://t.co/IGRmTpGvUY

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"...some dreams never reach the shore because they sail through the toloi to the stars..."

Tower of Dreams by

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https://t.co/igUAOMHsOO Hola, son las Kawaiikochans. "Elgado!". It sounds Spain-poi to watashi-tachi. Therefore, we discuss a "Gamesoft Legend of Mexico." And Rajang-san.

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also every time anyone says "El" theres a part of me thats like fufufu..i tricked you into saying the shortened version of my name which i stole from a game character..have you heard of a certain gamesoft from 1998 published by squaresoft and developed by square product developme

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