こちらの絵柄にて、等身1777〜 デフォルメ1444〜にて受け付けております!ご検討くださりますと幸いです...!!

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Excellent headwear game from these ladies at Coalbrookdale in 1777. Painted by William Williams and now .

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24 Aug 1777 Gen Benedict Arnold writes Gen Horatio Gates, that the garrison held off a superior force against all odds. British retreated from Ft Stanwix in great haste and abandoning their baggage. He dispatched Tuscarora and Oneida scouts after them. # AmRev

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23 Aug 1777 Fort Stanwix, NY British forces under Lt Col Barry St Leger panic on the arrival of Col Benedict Arnold’s relief column. They abandon the siege in a flight west, smashing the western prong of Gen Burgoyne's strategy.

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19 Aug 1777 Stillwater, NY. Gen Horatio Gates arrives & takes command of the Northern Department from Gen Phillip Schuyler, whose army has grown to 4,500 men.

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Born on this day: Francis I of the Two Sicilies (1777-1830)

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14 Aug 1777 Sancoik (Van Schaik’s Mill) NY. Lt Col Friederich Baum’s Germans & Loyalists scatter a force of 300 militia. Intent on attacking any other rebels in the area, Baum requests reinforcements from British Gen John Burgoyne.

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ジョシュア・レノルズ『エリザベス・デルメ夫人と子供たち』1777-1779年 ワシントン・ナショナル・ギャラリー

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11 Aug 1777 British Gen Burgoyne dispatches a mixed brigade of Germans, Loyalists & Indians under Lt Col Friedrich Baum to seize needed supplies at Bennington VT.

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ベンジャミン・ウエスト『景色の中の新郎と 2人の付き人』1777年 プリンストン大学美術館

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10 Aug 1777 Gen Phillip Schuyler dispatches an 800-strong force from Stillwater, NY to relieve the beleaguered garrison at Ft Stanwix. Some A-Teamers leading it: Gen Benedict Arnold and Ebenezer Learned.

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6 Aug 1777 Oriskany NY, A relief force of Patriot militia and Oneida allies marching on Ft Stanwix is ambushed by Loyalist & 6 Nations Iroquois Indian allies. Close to 1/2 of the patriots were killed, Gen Nicholas Herkimer is mortally wounded.

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4 Aug 1777 Philadelphia, PA The Continental Congress appoints Gen Horatio gates to replace Gen Phillip Schuyler as commander of the Northern Department.

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1777年8月3日 ヨセフス・アウグストゥス・ニップが オランダティルブルフに生まれる。

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Flagrants délits sur les Champs-Élysées: Les dossiers de police du gardien Federici (1777-1791

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当方等身1777〜 デフォルメ1444〜にて受け付けております。宜しければ描かせていただけないでしょうか?💦ご検討くださりますと幸いです!

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当方等身1777〜 デフォルメ1444〜にて受け付けております。宜しければ描かせていただけないでしょうか?💦ご検討くださりますと幸いです!

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