Oh Buna, you dumb neanderthal not knowing what a book is. Wait, why does Matay seem to know then....

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Neandertals on the beach: Use of marine resources at Grotta dei Moscerini (Latium, Italy)

Villa P. et al. via journals.plos

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The last Neanderthals of Eastern Europe: Micoquian layers IIIa and III of the site of Zaskalnaya VI (Kolosovskaya), anthropological records and context https://t.co/8lW1IK6Dku

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Neanderthal behaviour, diet, and disease inferred from ancient DNA in dental calculus https://t.co/lol0nh8rQs
Weyrich L, Duchene S, Soubrier J et al (2017)

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The latest from 21st Century Neanderthal. I’m introducing Buna to the power of annoying little furry things named Moogie. (Moogie is the nickname of our cat who’s real name is Maggie).

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don’t mind me just thinkin about trans masc neanderthals

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Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens hybrids by Tom Björklund: https://t.co/vwIRUnrv1w

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Bad luck may have caused Neanderthals' extinction – study https://t.co/mcaVNvN2Tc

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Homo sapien colonization may not have prompted Neanderthals’ demise 40,000 years ago. It may have been down to bad luck alone; not competition or superiority but fragmentation of the habitat

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Were the Neanderthals doomed even before modern humans arrived on the scene? https://t.co/HMsHLkUeYa

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Bringing this neanderthal back

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Here's a hint you neanderthals!

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Happy Halloween from a very confused neanderthal and a Moogie cat.

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For all those interested in a neanderthal’s opinion of the 21st century, I’ve thrown Buna, from my comic series “Fire,” into the modern era to satisfy that need. She’s taking a 30 thousand year old look at a new world.

This is not cannon to "Fire", I’m just doing this for fun.

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This is the final weekend to view the exhibition NeoNeanderthals by Robbie Bushe RSA and Jeanne Cannizzo.

This extraordinary exhibition of paintings, short films and installation works imagines a near future in which neanderthals have returned.

Final day tomorrow!

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Did a Common Childhood Illness Take Down the Neanderthals? https://t.co/XceTFUTNwY

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