17 Jun 1778 British Adm Augustus Keppel’s fleet is fired upon by 2 French cruisers off the coast of England. The act of war results in the British seizing one, Belle Poule, which has plans for an impending French naval offensive with 27 SOL.

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17 Jun 1776 Philadelphia, PA Continental Congress is stunned by the defeat at Trois Rivieres & appoints Gen Horatio Gates to replace Gen John Sullivan.

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14 Jun 1775 Continental Army was created by the Second Continental Congress as a unified army for the colonies to fight Great Britain, with George Washington appointed as its commander. Six companies of rifleman from VA, PA & MD form the first units.

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13 Jun 1776 Boston, MA American artillery batteries under the command of Gen Benjamin Lincoln pound the HMS Renown, driving it from the harbor. The long British blockade finally ends.

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7 June 1776 Charleston, SC Denied safe harbor at Wilmington, NC. A fleet under Commodore Peter Parker & Gen Henry Clinton enters the Palmetto State’s harbor & lands British troops on Long Island.

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28 May 1777 Morristown, NJ. Gen Washington’s army 8,000-strong leaves winter cantonment and deploys to the Middlebrook Valley to observe & counter possible British movement on Philadelphia.

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GEORGE WASHINGTON planned 3 crossings of the Delaware. JAMES EWING was supposed to cross just south of with 800 militia and Col JOHN CAWALADER and approx 1800 men were supposed to land 12 miles south at Burlington.

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13 December 1776 General CHARLES LEE is captured by British forces led by Banastre Tarleton. Lee was caught some distance from his army, frequenting a tavern/inn operated by the comely Widow White. Perhaps he needed her home cooking?

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18th C British & Hessian lovely women: Countess Mary Howe (1732-1800), wife of Admiral Lord Richard Howe; Jemima Cornwallis (1747-1779), wife of Gen Lord Charles Cornwallis; Baroness Frederika Riedesel (1746-1808), wife of Hessian General Friedrich Riedesel.

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RT : to Mary Ludwig Hayes, sometimes referred to as Molly Pitcher, who was born 13 October 1744. Legend is that her husband fell and she took his place operating a cannon the Battle of Monmouth.

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12 Oct 1781 Yorktown, VA The second parallel is threatened by British fire from Redoubts 9 & 10. The allies began preparations to reduce these troublesome strong points.

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16 Jun 1776 Gen Henry Clinton lands 2,000 soldiers and 500 sailors to land on Long Island, in Charleston Harbor and orders them to wade across and attack American defenses on Sullivan’s Island. But the shoals prove too deep.

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14 May 1800
6th US Congress recesses & govt begins moving from Phila. PA to Washington, D.C. the next day.The location is a compromise between Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson. Fed govt assumes states'#RevWar debt & capital moves to the south & agrarian interests.

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Happy Birthday !!!!
You are my best bestfriend 🖤
I tried to draw Abraham Woodhull from Turn to you.

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15 April 1783
Continental Congress of the United States officially ratified the preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain signed in November 1782. Independence is won. But the last British trops would not leave the 13 colonies until late the next year.

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5 Mar 1770 Boston Massacre
A mob of angry colonists gathered at the Customs House in Boston began tossing snowballs & rocks at soldiers. The soldiers fired into the crowd killing 5.

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Real women who have important roles in my historical fantasy series, Angels and Patriots.

* Abigail Adams
* Margaret Gage
* Mercy Scollay
* Dorothy Quincy
* Martha Washington
* Catherine Greene
* Lucy Knox
* Elizabeth Lloyd Loring

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Getting ready to do ... please tell me how a tiny dog can take up the entire bed?!?!

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