“Morwen, daughter of Baragund, was the wife of Húrin, Lord of Dor-lómin; and their son was Túrin, who was born in the year that Beren Erchamion came upon Lúthien in the Forest of Neldoreth.”

Artwork by Filat

2 9

“Now the thought of Morgoth dwelt ever upon Turgon; for Turgon had escaped him, of all his foes that one whom he most desired to take or to destroy.”

Artwork by ?

0 7

“Turgon hewed his way to the side of his brother; and it is told that the meeting of Turgon with Húrin, who stood beside Fingon, was glad in the midst of battle.”

Artwork by Mysilvergreen

4 11

“But one of them was saved by Ulmo from the wrath of Ossë, and the waves bore him up, and cast him ashore in Nevrast. His name was Voronwë; and he was one of those that Turgon sent forth as messengers from Gondolin.”

Artwork by ?

1 3

“But some went aboard ship and escaped by sea; and among them was Ereinion Gil-galad, the son of Fingon, whom his father had sent to the Havens after the Dagor Bragollach.”

Artwork by JaneDoem

4 10

“Last of all Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed; and it is sung that the axe smoked in the black blood of the troll-guard of Gothmog until it withered.”

Artwork by steamy

0 2

I would like to dedicate this tweet to the most underrated couple in history. If only the movies were willing to stretch past 3 hours to explore their subplot the way it deserved...

0 3

2019 Art Summary ~
Template by 1blockforward @ Deviantart

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“There Beren slunk in wolf’s form beneath his throne; but Lúthien was stripped of her disguise by the will of Morgoth, and he bent his gaze upon her.”

Artwork by (?)

2 8

day 4. Hope you are hanging up the right decorations. A

1 6

Glorfindel and Erestor
For a cold winter's day

13 66

Galadriel from LOTR, winner of this month poll I made thanks to my patreons 💙 I hope you like it
Y esta es la ganadora de la encuesta que hice este mes gracias a mis patreons 💙 Espero que os guste

10 26

Fell Beast Diorama Demi Art Scale 1/20 - Lord of the Rings
by ironstudios

11 30