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cause baby you’re my ANGELLLLLLL

54 329

I finished one of my old wips (!!!) after a rewatch of Atlantis yay 💚🧡
So Prince Kida Kacchan or Helga Kacchan Sinclair (a nicer version, but just as deadly)? In all honesty tho, I’d want the cute nerd 🙈

10 58

Dynamight’s favorite day of the year? The one where he can publicly shower Uravity with all the affection she deserves❤️

Happy White Day! And thank you for creating this precious art of our favorite hero duo!

209 1134

Shinkirikacchako: you think kchk both deserve a chance to bottom. Truthfully you could throw anyone into the mix and be happy but this is for your specific niche. Aka your crush on Kiri and Shinsou is showing. Very monochromatic of you.

2 58

"Relaaax, kitten."

"Shinso, what are you... Oh! Oooh... mmm...💕"

784 4268

I was thinking of Enigma Kacchan... He can basically have a harem, but his demisexuality, only allows these two cute chumps

34 259

Exactly one year ago I posted my very first fanart here on twitter

And this is the redraw.

I‘m really happy that I can be a part of this beautiful fandom full of talented people.
Thank you 🥰💕

140 1014

Saturday mornings are for doodles 😌

131 926

redrew one of the bnha smash panels

79 465

Pijamada Mixta pt1
Comic Fnmade (la primera vez no funcionaba el teclado)
Concepto:La clase hizo una pijamada mixta (chicos y chicas)

El resultado:

0 13