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never lose hope.
Storms make people stronger.
We win together, we lose together.

29 43

證據確鑿 鐵證如山。何時清算?

Several police officers beat people who have no resistance.

2843 2410

Hong Kong Student (Chow Tsz-lok ) Dies From Fall After Police Clash With
8 Nov 2019

Photo: dreamourhk_

7 14


49 70

Thanks for telling what exactly happened in We are peaceful citizens all along. Only the provoke violence.
They are trying to kill.

6 6

10月嘅香港版inktober活動已圓滿結束,嚟緊我地會有11月嘅活動,歡迎大家繼續參與!💕 詳情請參閱以下圖片

53 81

Its whiskers sense yellow shops. It attracts trainers to there and tells stories of the 80's (It speaks !)

11 24

✨ 😈

By popular demand from the fans, the limited-time “#LetsGetWicked” stage show will now be running until Nov 10, 2019! Come to see this wickedly spectacular musical, which is performed by your favourite at

7 26

Thank you Senator Blackburn for understanding why we fight in and co-sponsoring the Act. The Act is important as restoring the autonomy of the city means protecting the US interests and security. is infringing human rights and abusing the city's special status.

46 147

Creators' Themes for sale.
ALL YELLOW [ Star & Check ]
It is a combination of a star and a check pattern. The color scheme is yellow variations.

2 5

卡比獸:Roadblock 嘅最佳選擇🕺
Snorlax is the best choice for roadblock.

75 182

My contribution to Thank you to the volunteer medics who go out there to help people every day. You put yourselves at risk to help others. We don't deserve you.

50 98