No matter who you are, could also arbitrarily arrest all ppl behind the cordon line, including FA & even press, that’s ridiculous 🤷‍♂️

3 11

Madness this girl just wanted to buy paints for school 😡
Never forgive

12 22

this matter must taken seriously - thugs involved in hv committed grave crimes against humanity by colluding with & violently attacking innocent & unarmed citizens

presence of such mobs impose serious threat to - he must be evicted

66 101

在FB: Pokeguide 看到...

330 464



4 8

Police continue to target individuals and arrested a woman at the Cheong Wan Centre. It is learnt that three to four other persons were arrested at the scene.

Photo: Yeung Tsz Hei

300 217

The lead actress Liu support police brutality.

11 13

hong kong police have been too lenient, you can't say police brutality, can you?

13 30

In Hong Kong, are paid to kill, whereas medics are forces to be killed as the puppet HK gov virtually and purposely takes no measures to limit the spread of outbreak.

120 121

cancelled an assembly and fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. It quickly escalated into pointing firearms at civilians on armoured vehicle and civilians bathed in blood

is a . Article27 of promised Freedom of Assembly

120 97

first called off the lawful rally, n two minutes later they fired teargas. Not to mention the abitrary arrest on citizens wearing in black. What’s the meaning of “approving us to have a rally”? Easier for them to catch more?!

26 21

只是一個星期 香港人要承受這麼多☹️林鄭以為所謂十大紓困措施塞住香港人把口?慳啲啦😡

19 15

We didn’t understand the intention of such a peaceful female didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡

51 85

It’s disappointed to👂🏻this bad news from Cambridge, was thugs! Why Cambridge Uni. have to assist with those evil guys 😢
Please to re-consider this co-operation 🙏🏻

8 8

Totally absurd!😡 should be sanctioned for their evil action
Video👇🏻 showing another situation, 2 riot just threw a down to the staircase, such action was cold-blooded 😢

14 13