No matter who you are, could also arbitrarily arrest all ppl behind the cordon line, including FA & even press, that’s ridiculous 🤷‍♂️

3 11

Madness this girl just wanted to buy paints for school 😡
Never forgive

12 22

this matter must taken seriously - thugs involved in hv committed grave crimes against humanity by colluding with & violently attacking innocent & unarmed citizens

presence of such mobs impose serious threat to - he must be evicted

66 101

在FB: Pokeguide 看到...

330 464



4 8

The lead actress Liu support police brutality.

11 13

hong kong police have been too lenient, you can't say police brutality, can you?

13 30

In Hong Kong, are paid to kill, whereas medics are forces to be killed as the puppet HK gov virtually and purposely takes no measures to limit the spread of outbreak.

120 121

We didn’t understand the intention of such a peaceful female didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡

51 85

Commissioner said that the police is the best police force. Only people without conscience will agree!

Only triads will !😡

214 194

Thanks for telling what exactly happened in We are peaceful citizens all along. Only the provoke violence.
They are trying to kill.

6 6

murder us while
Hong Kong Fireman rescue us!

370 519