Short-lived and very little impact, but some folks went crazy over this...

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Bon du coup ça n'a pas eu vraiment un impact, mais ça à fait de jolies miniatures (même si je trouve ça moche maintenant ahah)

ça date de 2012 😱

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not a massive impact, but these two ideas were definitely my most well received haha

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It was filled to the brim on illustrations and character i never even HEARD of. Ask my parents how just about everywhere i went in the house i had this book on hand. But 1 day i somehow dropped it, and the book binding disintegrated on impact, making all the pages fly out(3/4)

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Just playing around with some promotional Graphic ideas for the band 4th Impact, nothing too serious, just some playful graphics, produced in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator:)😄😊😉

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Appreciation post.

From a small artist,
To my ONE follower
Who always supports me.
A simple gesture,
On every post.
Yet give a great impact,
On my own self.

Thank you.

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Quand Shinji est dans ses pensées et parle à Asuka juste avant de déclencher le 3ème impact, la pilote est morte dans la réalité pour rappel. L'Eva 02 a été transpercé par les 9 copies de la lance de Longin et se fait dévorer (en morceaux) dans les airs par les Eva Series.

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Comole! It's said their ancestors arrived on Earth several thousand years ago from outer space. Buried deep in the ground from their impact, they eventually developed a mole-like body.

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From : "After the Impact, Soot Played a Remarkable Role in Extinction"

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Ritsu nearly fell over from the pain and the impact, though Rei caught him.

"Hurts- that hurts-"

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And varying camera angle, how far the camera is pushed in or out, and panel size to emphasize mood, pacing or emotion.
A sequence of close ups in big panels with small changes feel intense but intimate, and a close up in one big panel has impact, etc etc (2/6)

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It's the exact opposite of final manga volume's cover. Shinji in the middle of the winter; a season that no longer exists after the 2nd Impact, while the other shows summer; a season that's been on a perpetual cycle before the 3rd impact in 2.0. Fuck, I'm emotional.

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1. This doesn't specify a "good" game, just a game that had an impact, so...

This game is a unique, charming puzzle game with great animation!

Until it becomes nearly impossible very suddenly.

Still haven't beaten it. This is a 10/10 that drops to a 3/10 on difficulty alone

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Anja Stemmer, Germany☀️ Loft I, January 2020, acrylic on canvas, 70x60cm
Junction, February 2020, acrylic on canvas, 70x90cm
Lockdown Impact, March 2020, acrylic on paper, 36x48cm
Scientific Models, March 2020 acrylic, on canvas, 50x50cm

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It's Monday morning, and the wonderfully talented

is inspiring us today.

Photoreal illustration and striking composition give his work huge impact, and his immense catalogue of work is something to behold.

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first two from emotional impact, second two because of the friends i've made through them.

i don't think it meant OCs so i didn't put Kiyoshi, but i wanted to bc this boy means a whole lot to me. ✨

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Games that shaped me 🎮

Pokemon Explorers of Sky - Giving my emotions worth
MAG - Leadership, Individuality, Impact, Teamwork
Overwatch - Pursuing goals and achieving them
Life is Strange - Convincing myself to be myself

Maybe seemingly a bit edgy, but genuinely.

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Techy infected. The hull of a techy Strongarm that's been salvaged or left on the battlefield, now inhabited by a colony of RustShrooms.

This slow-moving variant of the Strongarm deals corrosive damage on impact, on top of that, it also creates a cloud of spores upon death.

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Tension, build up, emotional impact, bloody, high stakes, thematic conclusion.

These are One Piece fights, no crazy choreography, no crazy tactics or nerd shit, just because they're different doesn't mean they're bad.

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