In light of the covid crisis, the has kindly made its April issue free to any reader: There's an article on p. 300 about Persian Woman Worshipping the Rising Sun (1784, held at ).

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Madame Lefranc Painting Her Husband Charles Lefranc, 1779, by (French, 1749–1803). Held at , Article by curator Magnus Olausson,

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Basket with Peaches and Grapes, 1631, by (French, 1610–1696). Held at the , source,

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Still Life with Fish & Birds, n.d., by (Italian, died c. 1700?). Private collection; source,

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A still life with a glass, two carafes, a loaf of bread & a plate on a ledge, n.d., by (French, 1738-1806), who was born (Feb 26). Private collection? Source,

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Madonna del latte, n.d., by (Italian, 1524-88). The inscription reads “Di Suor Plautilla allieva del Frate/by pupil of the friar.” Held at ; source,

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The martyrdom of St Agatha, 1577, engraved by (Italian, before 1530-after 1588) after Ippolito Costa. Held at the ,

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3/10 An illustration of a tawny owl, by (1823–1909), from plate 12 of Birds from Moidart and elsewhere (1895). Courtesy of

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Presentation at the Temple, before 1583, by (Italian, 1552-1614). Private collection? Source,

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article about Eve Kahn's new book Forever Seeing New Beauties: The Forgotten Impressionist Mary Rogers Williams (),

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New book announcement: Forever Seeing New Beauties: The Forgotten Impressionist 1857-1907, by Eve Kahn, published by the university press,

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Vase of flowers with a red peony (Vaso di fiori con peonia rossa), n.d., by (#TheodoraCaccia, Italian, c. 1596-c. 1676). Museo Civico, Moncalvo; source,

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Portrait of a Lady, Three-Quarter Length, Wearing a White Silk Chemise & a Gold Embroidered Blue Dress, 167x, by (Dutch, 1648–1692). Private collection; source,

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Pomegranate & Menelaus Blue Morpho Butterfly, 1702-3, by (1647-1717), who died In Dec '19 this work was voted into the Held at ,

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Sister (1900-1980), New Jerusalem. Offered in Outsider Art on 17 Jan in NY. Read about the artist here:

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