Filippo was born in Pistoia in 1812. He was the discoverer of Pacinian corpuscles (1835), the vibrio (1854) and one of the first artificial techniques (1867).

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Advert for Sayre's Apparatus, 1882. Patient would be suspended by the head and axillae, and wrapped in a plaster-of-Paris jacket. First used by American orthopaedic surgeon Lewis Sayre in 1874 in the treatment of Pott's disease

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Edward (Berkeley, 17 maggio 1749 – Berkeley, 26 gennaio 1823) è stato un e naturalista britannico, noto per l'introduzione del contro il e considerato il padre dell'immunizzazione.

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Exploring epidemics across history, science, society, and art - great blog posts from students in Paola Bertucci's graduate seminar at Yale on visual and material cultures of science!

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LIFE PILLS, discovered by the Rev. C. CARRINGTON, Vicar of To alleviate the tortures of Spasm, Gout, Rheumatism, Cholic, and Nervous Afflictions, with superb success.'

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`Cholera Preventive Costume' Source Info: Published by T. McLean, 26, Haymarket, London, March 1832. Not so different to current protective face gear...

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"Before and after" ad from 1893 at for "Duchess pills" - which in addition to enhancing one's beauty were supposed to cure anemia, palpitations, and skin eruptions:

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Are you home schooling or do you just have an insatiable curiosity? Check out our education team's digital resources that you can use to teach or learn about the difficult, but exciting, history of medicine!

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Dan (April 26, 1915-2012) was a romanian surgeon who performed on 1951 the first total surgical replacement of the human using sections of to bypass damaged or deformed tissue.

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Today's Painting: This 1916 work by artist/illustrator Harrison Fisher is titled "Compensation"

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is a typical antipsychotic medication. It is used in the treatment of agitation, acute hallucinations, etc.
It was discovered in 1958 by Paul (1926-2003), a belgian physician.

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1790 Apr 17: Ben Franklin died. He was a participant in the first investigation of Franz Mesmer's "animal magnetism" claims. Did some other stuff, too

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(Call for contributions) Sexpots and Saints: Essays on the Media History of Nurses and Nursing

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Did you know that the terrifying bird-like beaks on plague doctors' masks were designed to hold herbs, spices, and dried flowers? People at the time believed that these sweet smells would protect doctors from disease being passed through the air.

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Robert Yerkes artifacts illuminate history of primate research, intelligence testing, WW1, eugenics, and science & women scientists in Russia & Cuba! Guest appearances by Ivan Pavlov & Alfred Kinsey:

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Today's Find: Map showing deaths in the U.S. from malaria in 1870

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[Thread 👇] Have you heard about in the past? They were particularly popular by the 18th c. Why? Sugar abuse! By this period the wealthy classes were hooked on the stuff. And we really mean hooked! 🍰🍰🍰#oldoptheatre

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By dissecting animals, (1533-1619) investigated the formation of the and the larynx. He was the first to describe the membranous folds that he called "#valves" in the interior of

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The italian Fortunio Liceti (1577-1657) wrote two famous entitled "De monstruorum causis, natura et differentis", in which he took up aristotelian solutions on the problem of genetic anomalies.

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