Hay una enfermedad extremadamente mortal y contagiosa llamada “Síndrome K”.
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735 1731

The pterygoid canal (Vidian canal) of the sphenoid bone bears the name of the Italian anatomist Guido Guidi the Elder (Latinized Vidius Vidi, 1507-1569).

5 15

Litografía coloreada de William Fairland (1869) donde se muestran los pulmones después de exhalar (izquierda) y después de inhalar (derecha)
📸Wellcome Library

45 205

Andreas Vesalius ("De Humani corporis Fabrica", 1543) VS Juan Valverde (“Historia de la composición del cuerpo humano”, 1556)

18 44

Images of surgical of taken from the "Traitè complet de l'#anatomie de l'#homme comprendant l'anatomie chiururgicale" of J. e C. (1866).

9 20

Jean B.M. (1797-1849) in 1830 began his work "Traité complet de l'#anatomie de l'#homme comprenant la operatoire", a of human which was published in eight volumes.

15 38

Grabado anatómico de Jacques Fabian Gautier d'Agoty "Anatomie des parties de la génération de l'homme et de la femme" (Paris, 1773)

21 85

In Leopold's maneuvers are a common and systematic way to determine the position of a inside the they are named after the german Christian G. Leopold, who described them in 1894.

23 57

was born in 1849 William master of at . He lent his name to a number of signs and symptoms, as well as to a number of buildings that have been named for him.

22 38

Filippo was born in Pistoia in 1812. He was the discoverer of Pacinian corpuscles (1835), the vibrio (1854) and one of the first artificial techniques (1867).

15 31

Edward (Berkeley, 17 maggio 1749 – Berkeley, 26 gennaio 1823) è stato un e naturalista britannico, noto per l'introduzione del contro il e considerato il padre dell'immunizzazione.

15 28

La increíble historia de las “Chicas del Radio”, cuyas muertes cambiaron la visión de la radiación y salvaron miles de vidas de trabajadores

992 1556