なおUnityのStandard Shaderは4%固定。

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OpenGLでG-Bufferを用意して古典的なDeferredでのPBRレンダリングを実装し、物理ベースカメラの露出補正とAuto Exposureの実装、そしてシャドウマップが実装できました。

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You guys really aren't prepared for what the PBR version of this with all of the details and lighting looks like... absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

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I've been playing around with the beta feature for PBR textures. Really enjoying it so far, check out this ice! The ice mermaid's cave is about to get a lot colder!

4 151 My last project. For practicing Ztylized PBR. Hope u like it ;)

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99 PBR Materials Pack by Julio Sillet 💎Get it here

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作り溜めていた日本刀の3Dモデルを配布しました。モデルフォーマットはFBXです。4K PBRテクスチャ同梱。そしてこのモデルに限りCC BY 4.0ライセンスでの配布となります。

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so pretty much spending my night learning how to render with blender 2.81 via Cycles...

now to figure out how to rotate bones and do PBR nodes..

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i figured that photo of a fat raccoon in a snapback drinking a pbr didn’t count so here are my runners-up (runner-ups? english is hard)

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Here is Dark Val'kyr Mercy, it's my First PBR Character made at school. Original concept by Zach Fischer.
I tried to get as much as possible to the overwatch style !

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Going a little PBR crazy, tons of revisits to textures I've been working on, really opening my eyes to how fast and easy this process is!

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Samurai robot character model, suitable for both game asset and subdivision-ready for films or close up. Comes with full rig in both Maya file and Blender file. PBR textures in 2048*2048 quality.

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