Myöhäisillan näkymä Tampereen Jussinkylän Polvikadulta. / Quick late night sketch from my home town. This one is from the Juhannuskylä area. Drawn on location, Procreate / iPad Pro.

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El sábado salí a dibujar con las señoras. Y fue de las pocas veces que me atreví a usar las acuarelas.

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Talvimaisema Pyynikin Palomäentieltä. Vesiväri. / Finally got some more snow. A wintry scene from the Pyynikki area of Tampere. Watercolour.

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If you're in Galway next Sunday 8th March & you're feeling creative, join Urban Sketchers Galway for some sketching, chat & very possibly a coffee! Time & place to be confirmed, keep an eye open - & newcomers always welcome! This was last month's USk meeting...👇#urbansketching

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Orange/ grapefruit grove at Orcutt Ranch. If you lean close you can smell the orange blossoms.

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5-ton industrial glass heart in front of the Ultra Glas building. Customer went bankrupt and now it needs a home.

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Few things nicer than being cooked a meal while you sip a glass of something cold and sketch them at work. This combination is so amazing you'll be outraged that no one told you before. The black square on the left is covering a mistake when my subject moved 😑

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Did this piece to practice using greens and to try an overall different color scheme

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