Very quick concept design test for a TV show I can't name. It wasn't what they were looking for so we stopped there, it was a very fun assignment, though.

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(OC) Despite being a rouge protojin, Astrid still completed her wrathblade training and can use Wrathful Soul.

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刀卂工从丫口 尸尺乇刀卂丅口尺 concept design for a story idea.

Ink and Derwent soluble graphite, watercolors on A4 Smooth Cartridge Paper.

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This is a 14 y.o. geisha assassin who can extract poison from flowers for assassination. Don't get too close! Her fan blades could cut you before you take her out. 😏

Concept Character by Sandy Tio, Advanced Diploma in Concept Design & Illustration

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(OC) The proto-machine mutant evolves! The primal evolution of the psychic machine, Ichiko Kikai Tachibana.

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An apt quote from James McNeil Whistler that probably defines our Concept Art course -- An artist is not paid for his labour but for his vision." 💡

Concept character art by Charllotte Ashlie, Advanced Diploma in Concept Art

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