Results from the
Klathifrons, Procyclotosaurus, Nanhsiungchelys, Longirostria.

118 628

This is like.... uuuhhhhh... the 4th thalassocnus you've drawn in paleostream...

9 63

Results from a very different
Cratoavis, Parahenodus, Thalassocnus and T. rex.
We were invited to appear on the "III Encuentro del Arte y la Ciencia de los Fósiles" in Ecuador, which was a fascinating experiences, no one before directly translated me into Spanish.

84 494

little portraits with more than twice the personality of NFTs for some paleostream regulars

Reminder: My commissions are open ;^)

9 56

(x-posted from community)
Progress on the Discord server challenge for November -

0 20

Results from the
Haopterus (on a old Bolong), Shunosaurus, Plateosaurus (devouring it's son) and Pristinailurus.

190 852

We played Broken Picturephone once more.

11 38

Results from the
Nanokogia (the small animal, in case you missed it), Rhynchippus, Antaeusuchus and Libycosaurus (in chad mode).

111 526

Here's my entry for the speculative zoology event. Two large terrestrial drepanosaurs fighting for dominance.

33 344

Results from the
Paracrax (as a hoatzin relative), Ruyangosaurus and Epicyon.

131 691

Results from the
Riparovenator, Metopacanthus, Pendraig and Scelidotherium.

128 681