Flora — Last day
Here we go! The last day if my Xparticles experiments. Hope you enjoyed it like i enjoy to creat all this weird flora design 🌼 —> swipe left because i can’t choose which color is better...🧐

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Flora — Day 01
On this serie the challenge was to only use to generate some floral/mineral and organic shapes. I'm pretty happy with the result, a lot of experimentation, and lots of weird weird things but i'm amazed by the power of xparticles.

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A shrub, generated with layered particle systems in my particle system engine. Next stop: Trees!

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How about a little compilation of some of the 3D stuff I've been up too?
(Some things not mentioned - Skyboxes, optional z-sorted particles, lighting uses built-in stuff. Workflow is Blender directly to GM. Also, I mean anim blending. Not smoothing.)

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Little particle / fractal vector test

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This is the most Xmasi particle effects I have ever done. Needless to say, I am not going to use it :)

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The brown particles help with my poo-ripheral vision https://t.co/Rw1qbJ2F5t

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Termites Typo - GeneTypo 103. Generative Design & Typography. A using random edge detection, tiling, coding and modules.


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Termites Typo - GeneTypo 103. Generative Design & Typography. A using random edge detection, tiling, coding and modules.


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Termites Typo - GeneTypo 103. Generative Design & Typography. A using random edge detection, tiling, coding and modules.


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Millions of colorful particles make up these transient forms by Dario Veruari, created using : https://t.co/YfbwkqohEl

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Melting away the planet with my freshly implemented particle weapon!

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whoever named elementary particles is a genius

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明日から開催のニコニコ超会議2018にて、パーティクルボーイズの漫画冊子が何と!無 料 配 布 されます!

皆さん岩手県ブース(HALL 4-B13)にぜひお立ち寄りください!!

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Heidi Hattensnood - 56 - Female

Physicist and inventor of the Scrambler - a device capable of altering, manipulating and randomising subatomic particles.

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Here's DATGUI sliding of the height field with particles

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We have cool new particle effects, Pips want them so bad they'll even kill each other to see some! I'd better tune it down.

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