そういえば↑の手を見て占う際の呪文にtla toconittacan tonahualtezcauh(我らのナワルの鏡を見よう)とあって、ナワルの鏡とは占われる人の前腕だと考えられてるけど、テスカトリポカが人の腕を持ってることがあるのはそれが何らかの魔術に関するものだからだろうか?(件の呪文には彼は登場しないが)

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Haré una pausa con la publicacion del comic Frontera Nahual debido a que ando viajando, estoy abierto a hacer comisiones (para mas informacion contactarme por telegram 2281403706 o facebook como: L Lycan) Os dejo el ultimo dibujo digital que he hecho, espero les guste nos vemos.

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Aztec kaleidoscope 63 - "Ocelotl," named for a nahuatl word for the Ocelot.
Part of my series of 100 kaleidoscopes created from my restorations of sacred aztec manuscripts.
0.01 ETH - buy 3 and get any fourth of your choice free!

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en Tenochtitlan existieron diferentes seres sobrenaturales que atemorizaban a la población nahua? Tenemos registro de ellos gracias al los escritos de Fray Bernardino de Sahagún. Uno de ellos se llamó Yohualtepoztli,”hacha nocturna”.Comparto un HILO. Invito a leer y RT

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Hello! My name is Ada and I’m Mexican with Mazatec and Nahuatl ancestry :D
Follows are very appreciated <3

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According to the Nahua mythology, it is believed that the Ixpuxtequi was one of the four deities of death, dwellers of the underworld. His name means “scarred face'' and it comes from Nahuatl. He is represented as an anthropomorphic creature, with eagle feet.

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Nahua-Spanish hybrid war clothes from (Today it used in south Mexico and Guatemala conquest.

Ropajes de guerra híbridos (Nahua-Española) de Quauhquechollan (hoy Huaquechula) usado en la conquista del sur de México y Guatemala.

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from for for those curious its pronounced co-at-LEE-kway or so I've been lead to believe if anyone speaks Nahuatl please let me know ,and also you're awsome

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Se cuenta que una señora del pueblo a la que llamaban "la bruja" después de siete brincos sobre la lumbre se convertía en guajolote a media noche. 🔥🦃🔥

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Matriz 5. Placa perdida. Sketch
“Cimientos de libertad”
Matrix 5. Lost plate. Sketch
"Foundations of freedom"

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Follow the link for a print of The Sacrifice of Nanahuatzin in my Etsy store!

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The Lord of Snails was the senior Lord, who leaped first, but grew afraid when he felt the extreme heat of the Spirit Fire and held back. Nanahuatzin, however, when he beheld the cowardice of the Lord of Snails, fearlessly went forward and leapt into the heart of the Spirit Fire.

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This is the second page in the story of the creation of the Fifth Sun, which is the sun under which we live. After having made their sacrifices, Tecciztecatl, the Lord of Snails and Nanahuatzin, the Syphilitic Lord, leapt into the Spirit Fire.

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Matriz 5. Placa perdida. Sketch
Matrix 5. Lost plate. Sketch

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Izel-Nahuatl and Vandruk Sharr from 's and 's Starbound (Arcana) Part 1 in Microsoft Paint 3D. Left to right. Selectively quoted. I really have no idea.

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Made this fanart of an OC for a person from FB I admire lots
She's a 'Nahuala', a kind of witch that has the abilty to switch into an animal form, from the prehispanic culture.

The name's Tzitzimicíhuatl.

Character belongs to: https://t.co/KHH9MPCr4t

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Entrare en la dinámica de tipografías
para hacer el alfabeto castellano y de paso explicar el alfabeto
Inspirado en los glifos, animales, instrumentos, monumentos prehispánicos

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