Three games coming this week - 2 x ("The Thousand Thrones" and a single scenario in Averheim) and a session in the Southwestern US. I smell burning Fate Points and a whole lot of Insanity getting dished out soon!

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Two days ago it was - today it's but in similar tone! The party will have to stop the deranged Baron Von Richter, before the necromantic spell that he unleashed ressurects even more bodies... only to send them against the living!

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Yesterday we had a bloody brilliant game! "The Madness of Baron Von Richter" went swimmingly and the party managed to escape from the zombie-besieged "Lng Rifle" inn, moving to the sewers and taking course towards the good baron's estate. Hopefully they'll be able to...

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Playing the "The Madness of Baron Von Richter" today with a group with which I've RP'ed for a couple of years, back in the day. Later some disagreements happened. I hope that this time we'll be able to make things work, and remove any bad blood that was between us.

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2. On Friday I'm starting the first of two 4th edition WFRP scenarios for a crew with which I've played from 2017 to early 2019. We shall see how it'll go. After that we'll try and play Hunter: The Reckoning, one of my favorite of all time.

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With recently dropping a lot of stuff about 4th edition, I've decided to share my honest thoughts on the current state of the game.
This is of course my private opinion, and I sincerely hope that this iteration of the game will have a...

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released a schedule of their upcoming products.
This list is pretty impressive, and I will probably dedicate a whole post on my blog about it (as well as about my general thoughts on the 4th edition so far).

I know that I'm usually...

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"Yes, they drink blood. Yes, some of them have been known to command armies of the damned. But at least they're not elves."
-Nils Valera, Agitor

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If you are a Patron at the Vault level, a new Vault episode has released! This one is Part 1 of us running Bait and Witch! for 4e. Check it out!

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A ruthless Templar of the order of the Silver Hammer (or the Cleansing Flame, since the lore is really unclear on this particular topic), looking rather grim, right after dispensing some fiery justice on a hapless beastkin. Another great piece from the 2nd edition

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A few weeks ago, when we were forced to start playing online, my game group decided to put our Eberron campaign on hold until we can see each other again, so we started a new game instead!

Here's my character, Dorothea. Her passion is scaring the piss out of bandits

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Third 4th edition session today. The party will (hopefully) finish the mutated Schawrzehund, and then... travel to Kislev! For my second 4e scenario, I've chosen the excellent "Cold Comfort at the Tsarina's Gate" by Philip Davies, which was the winner of the first...

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Looking for inspiration and some new adventure hooks for your games? Legendary designer offers lots of options over on our blog today

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The first episode in my new "Beat the boredom!" series is now live. I've reviewed "Schwarzehund", a short scenario for the 4th edition , written by Bill Beers. Is it any good ? Head over to my blog to find out. Artwork by PE-Travers

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Read our NEW blog post on Magic by Clive Oldfield. Clive has contributed to the second, third and fourth editions of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay! Read it here👉

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Anton Breugel, from in - he's not overly happy with our
I love the freedom in the compositional arrangement of pieces, there are a lot of ways to play around.

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Today I was supposed to run my first game of 4th edition Unfortunately I feel like crap. Too little sleep, too much on my head, nerves and such. We've rescheduled for next week. This whole situation is getting to me, I guess. Feeling bad for lettig my mates down.

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Re-sharing 'Drachenfels Returns!', and final, from Rough Nights & Hard Days for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th ed.

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