Here's a mod of Imagine's Mag Max on the It has the Ldscr from the C64 ver' & 128 music & SFX from the added. It's an .scl file so will need to be run on an emulator that allows 4 the Pentagon 128 or Scorpion ZS 256

2 4

This was a decent Footy Sim, had a highlights engine and lots of features, go through the leagues and try and win everything.

4 11

Really decent port this, great big sprites, thumping soundtrack and loads of weapons and things to shoot

6 24

Operation Wolf was an interesting one, first type of game I played like this, I never tried it with the Light Gun but had good fun none the less.

13 40

A more expensive football sim, maybe because Kenny was involved, it was a decent attempt at a Footy Sim.

3 13

The Boss was a rerelease of another game, it was basic, but you could win easily so the game always felt like you was progressing, one of the best Footy Sims for £1.99

5 33

Lords of the Rising Sun, another Cinemaware classic, presentation was always great, bunch of mini games, a map to conquer, a decent game.

9 42

Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Rainbow Islands
Publisher: Ocean
Version: Amstrad CPC
Year: 1989


28 187

Football Director, this really was a step above most of the other games, had many features, Training, Injuries, Board, Press Briefings, Staff, Scouts, Stadium, Sponsors

6 23

Good game, has arm wrestling and a shooting gallery, well that's if you can get past the obstacle course, which was a rare feat, good 2-player game.

5 33

The only time when it's ever considered a great time to see a nearly 40 year old Willy on display!!😉👍❤️☺️😜

2 7

FROM THE ARCHIVE: It was a typical room for a teenage boy in the 1980s; football programmes on his desk with his homework, a well used Amstrad HI-FI system with a tape cassette and radio, used to record the top chart hits on a Sunday...

1 3

A more expensive Sim was this imaginary Super League of 7 Teams, yes 7 only, it really lacked in features compared to the £1.99 ones, but look at the graphics

5 5

1/2 Thought I highlight some of those £1.99 sim, which there were plenty, not all were good, to win this all you had to do was buy higher skilled players

4 12

III, this 3rd sequel moves onto a side scrolling platform game, and is the best of the 3, collect things, a turn things on&off adventure, all 3 games were different

5 16

Awesome Cartoon, not so awesome game but still played it loads, the sequels are much better than this original as they featured more vehicles, still fun though.

7 12