Rafflesia are weird & wonderful plants-tropical parasites dependent on the grape family for life (genus Tetrastigma in family Vitaceae), stinking to high heaven of rotten flesh to 'attract' their pollinators (often flies). Here are drawings from the Kew collections

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Australian Pollinators: Native elegans hylaeine https://t.co/xTWhhIrk6p

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3 days in & we've already had a record 100+ observations submitted! Join in with Australia's only National Wild Pollinator Count this week! Our official hashtag: ... https://t.co/gbDjmrSNkF

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Australian Pollinators
Tribe Representative - Megachilini
Megachile semirufa https://t.co/uhOdEMujGn

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My Bee Balls went down well Christmas Fair, with my bee on scabious drawing on it. Remember to plant for pollinators, people (or just let some of your garden go wild)

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A resolution for next spring and summer - mow less. Give clover, buttercups and more a chance to flower for pollinators like bees, butterflies, hoverflies and moths. Enjoy seeing which flowers emerge to add some natural joy to your garden. 🐝🌻

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Did you know we had so many species? If you want to then do learn about how diverse they all are - you can BEEcome a real expert in what is effective to help sustain in your own green spaces, before you know it!

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Composer 's (https://t.co/2XJdIqwO1h) sonic pollinators for ensemble + quad pollinators will be performed by at 8.30pm on Friday, 21 September


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Can bees become addicted to pesticides?
Research by indicates bees acquire a taste for neonicotinoid-laced foods after prolonged exposure. More proof of the risks of insecticide use on our threatened pollinators 🐝 https://t.co/vdcUsvYLnS

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Happy !

Did you know that are pollinators too? Most work at night but some moths, like the Hummingbird Moth, pollinate flowers during the day.



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Some other illustrations I finally got around to scanning-- these were from Pollinator Week!

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New Seedboms from now in stock! Brighten up your garden with wildflowers. Perfect for pollinators, spread the love!

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Stroud Nature is at Miserden Nursery this Sunday from 11 til 3. Join us to look at insects and insect pollinators in particular. Drawing activities for kids, bug pots, moth trap with

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Don’t forget about our nocturnal pollinator friends! Bats and other mammals’ fur carry pollen from flower to flower as they go about their nighttime snacking.

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Enormously proud of my this ek, look at the & they've illustrated this A new set to teach 2mw; looking forward to more &

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Thanks to our friends , all 50 states have declared this week Woodsy is celebrating our pollinators by creating a fun all about them. Here's a sneak of the last page! Big announcement coming soon, so help Woodsy spread the word!

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Tomorrow night at Audubon, Intro to Native Plants for Your Landscape at 7 PM. Also, dozens of my paintings that feature pollinators will be on display. If you can't make it tomorrow, there's more great events coming up, Calendar: https://t.co/YXmqdJFGM1

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Got to love and as a cluster of hashtags! I have already downloaded the app and plan to stake out the sage flowers with this kids this afternoon, if the sun's out. Love this tie-in!

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