Art by

The *rewritten* Game 1 - Phase 4 of is finally here~

It has 6 new illustrations ❤️‍🔥
Here's 4 of them ❤️‍🔥

Check 🗨️ for chapter links

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. is all about & We hope that you'll find a positive place to enjoy your fandom in our community, whether through our award-winning or our support! (GIF by )

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Prefer your digitally? Check out the entire action/adventure saga from on ! Every human on the planet will be forced to

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And because I'm doubling down today, BARD & BARBARIAN has updated with new narrated chapters, courtesy of . Ch35: "Nest and Swarm" has dropped for some tiers, and Ch31: "Paladin for Hire" just unlocked for others.

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It's so hot my writing's melted ...
So here are a few softer, cuter inspirations for Teddy and Darwin, who are much on my mind this week ...

Soika by EluvianArt

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Look at this amazing art of Finlay, Evander, and Forrest (from my WIP, Lady of Dragons) that drew for me!
Evander and Finlay trying to have a moment… and Forrest flying in, saying ‘I’m here too, you know!’

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.'s summer Grab Bag month continues with its first look back at Space: Above and Beyond: an episode called "Level of Necessity." On & ! ( )

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.'s summer Grab Bag month continues with its first look back at Space: Above and Beyond: an episode called "Level of Necessity." On & ! ( )

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In contrast to the powerful, even scary dragon of yesterday, here's a peaceful, sweet dragon to help with those Saturday words.

Magnolia dragon by AlviaAlcedo

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.'s summer Grab Bag month continues with its first look back at Space: Above and Beyond: an episode called "Level of Necessity." On & ! ( )

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.'s summer Grab Bag month continues with its first look back at Space: Above and Beyond: an episode called "Level of Necessity." On & ! ( )

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Prefer your digitally? Check out the entire action/adventure saga from on ! Every human on the planet will be forced to

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